Oh why oh why do the Crawford Gallery in Cork refuse to listen to the public? I've emailed, I've written letters, and never once did I receive the courtesy of a reply.
The Gallery, funded by the Arts Council have recently extended the size of their gallery to a really beautiful functional exhibition space. However, their website lags way behind - there is very little detail about future exhibitions, no community activities, gallery of permanent exhibitions or talks on painting and painting technique. You only need to look at the Hugh Lane Gallery in Dublin to see what benefits this sort of promotion achieves, they really know how to interact with the public.
The Crawford doesn't even open on Sunday.
And what day of the week do people most prefer to visit a gallery?
I can't help but wonder - who is behind the Crawford Gallery? Who are the people who are running it, and do they ever ask the public what THEY want? It's a terribly old fashioned approach, and one which leaves art in the reserves of the dying few.
Crawford - come on - for the sake of Cork - modernise. Open your doors and start offering events and talks to encourage the people of Cork to take an interest in you again.
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